Tuesday, September 11, 2007

2nd Reading Assignment

Class 2: Ministry in Galilee – Luke 4:14-9:50

Be original and read it closely!

To get the reading online, go to www.biblegateway.com and type in Luke 4.

1. Nazareth was Jesus’ hometown. Why do you think the people in his hometown reacted the way they did? (4)

2. How would you react if you saw Jesus with the people he ate with in chapter 5?

3. How did the Pharisees react to Jesus’ actions and teachings about the Sabbath? Why do you think they reacted this way? (6)

4. How would the world change if we treated our enemies the way Jesus teaches to treat them? (6)

5. What important lesson did Jesus teach at the meal table in chapter 7?

6. What would you have thought if you had been in the boat with Jesus in Luke 8?

7. What do you think the Twelve were thinking when Jesus sent them out in chapter 9?

Luke 1:1-4:13

Hey guys, the reading assignment is Luke 1:1 - 4:13. Here are the questions you need to answer!

Remember, I am looking for original thoughts, if you all have the same answer, I know you copied, and only the first person will get credit!

To get the reading online go to www.biblegateway.com and type in Luke 1.

1. Was Luke an eyewitness to the things that he was writing about? How do you know? (1)

2. Is this boy who was born in chapter 2 special? How do we know? (2)

3. What do you think the relevance of the genealogy in chapter 3 is?

4. Do you think that the Devil’s first offer in Luke 4 was tempting to Jesus? Why or why not?

The First Post

Alright people in my youth group, this is just for you. I decided against using my own personal blog for class porposes and created a different one. You are still welcome to read my blogs and things, but this particular blog will be for class only.